Do not hesitate to contact us if you need to reduce your IT cost without the need to compromise on quality. Our highly qualified IT-specialists with years of experience will be happy to help you.
We have experience with cross-border cooperation with companies from Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland and the Nordic countries, which have taken advantage of nearshoring. Join them and take advantage of our services. In nearshoring, we can offer you a wide range of engagement models (agile dedicated teams vs time-and-materials or fixed-price based projects) and offer a wide range of services, including:
- Custom software development
- Design of mobile applications for iOS and Android
- Design and implementation of web solutions
- IT consulting
We speak fluent German and English.

We are based in Bratislava, close to 3 airports:
- Vienna International Airport (Vienna, Austria)
- Airport Prague (Prague, Czech Republic)
- Budapest International Airport (Budapest, Hungary)
Our specialists have years of experience with comprehensive projects in the fields of banking, insurance, logistics and transport systems. We communicate in English and German.
Our headquarters located in the heart of Europe and close to three international airports ensures excellent accessibility. EU membership as well as the history are prerequisites for smooth communication and cooperation with the rest of Europe and North America.
In the field of foreign opportunities, we offer tailor-made software development, web solutions and mobile application services.